Cray cray day.
We took back most of our prelim results and as much as I've done badly.. my L1R5 improved so I'm not too disappointed. The only thing I was quite sad about is my emaths result because I was aiming for 90marks and above but instead I drop to 82marks. ):
AND I IMPROVED A LOT FOR ENGLISH OMG I GOT A B3 that's like super rare for me because my English always sucked and getting a B4 is like already a miracle. Hopefully my marks maintain or go even higher for O levels! *crosses fingers*
Stayed back after school with car and yisheng because we wanted to go for the Mid Autmn celebrations to watch CO performance and we decided to eat lunch and dinner together as well. We even planned a coordinated outfit to wear for the celebration because we initially wanted to change to home clothes but we scared that we will be like attention seeker so we gave up the idea.. but we totally should have.
Had pastamania for lunched and we went to shop for sk's present even though her birthday is way over.. but it's the sincerity that counts right?
On the way to nex, back to school and throughout the whole study session we were like giving ourselves names. It started with flower names to name starting with "Ros" because yisheng is called Rosey. So in the end yisheng remained as Rosey, car became Roshe (from Porche) and I became.. Rosin (the thing you rub against the bow for string instrument LOL). We each even have a colour that represented ourselves and it came from the colour we coordinated for our outfit which means yisheng is red, car is purple and I am blue.
& car and 1 also passed sk her present and it's actually sister headbands!
Then it was about 6 so we prepared to go to the hall and before that I went to the toilet with car while yisheng went to classroom with jw so when we met yisheng he was saying that Mr Chong and Mr Low were chasing us out of school because they wanted us to go home and study AND THAT'S WHEN IT BECAME FUN LOL.
We tried to enter the hall but the student councillors told us to go gallery so we went there and we saw some 4N students so we were quite relieved and we went to sit the front row at the gallery. I texted yousheng asking where was he and if he got chased out and he replied me "mr chong whrvu" so I told him where I was.. until car and yisheng told me it could be Mr Chong asking where were we so we totally freaked out and tried to hide. After a while sk and others came so we were like sitting at the front row desperately covering our faces just in case Mr Chong or Mr Low come to find us. We then moved to the back because it was much safer. There was once a teacher shouted for a class's monitor and all of us (and also some 5N students) got shocked because we thought that it was a teacher shouting for us to get out LOL. Totally paranoid. More people came before the concert started and when we had to sing the school song we tried to squeeze in behind the other students towards the left from other cohort to hide our faces because we saw Mr Low and its easier to spot our side but in the end I stayed out since some people just don't wanna move a bit. That's why I mentioned that it would have been better if we did changed into home clothes.
However since the concert started we were not really worried anymore since they would not possibly ruin the concert by getting us out.
CO performance was the first which is also what we came for and omg they did us so proud. Overall the whole orchestra's tune was not bad and THE SECOND PIECE MATSURI IS SOOOOOOOO NICE OMG I was fangirling throughout the whole piece because it was just so.. nice. Car and I wanted to get the score for that so we can learn after our O's.
Went to the music room after their performance to find them and after that we just loitered at the amphitheater to listen to the people performing for the VIPs practicing.
When the concert finally ended we went to the parade sqaure FOR LANTERNS!
It took us awhile to get the lanterns because Mr Low is at the podium and could see us easily but in the end we didn't care about it and went to take our laterns. The roses in their respective colour too!
Us in sister headbands woo.
Papa and the twins.
Crazy selfies.
More of us in sister headbands.
& here's sk totally rocking the headband.
Dem photobombers.
With the papa.
& no we never forget this (;
Went to eighteen chef for dinner after the cray lantern time and we were so hungry (especially yisheng).
Parted and only reaching home at about 10.30pm. Blogging about this at 2:03am and I didn't even complete a single piece of homework at home and considering the fact that I'll be in school in the morning and an event in the afternoon.. totally having time for revision.
But nonetheless, ended the day feeling cray yet blessed.