ღ JASMINE ; KOKORO 's blog.
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43 days to O's
Posted on: Wednesday, September 3, 2014 ( 10:19 PM )
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I stayed up last night to memorise Stalin, Start of Cokd War, Korean War and Cuban Missiles Crisis.

& none of that came out.

So I could have slept wtf.

But anyway the sbq was super hard, and the seq is quite okay even though I didn't study the chapters because I could remember the points just that my example very short.

So I have finished exams for this week (yaay) and I spent like the rest of my day sleeping because that's my definition of productive. Nah jk.

That means I won't be able to sleep later so I'm gonna do some geog so at least I did some work.

So er cheers to 44 more days okbye.

Jasmine ; Kokoro

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I'm Jasmine, Singaporean and I loooooooove to shop and most importantly, sleep! I'm a 7 August 1998 baby, celebrate it with me.
I'm deeply in love with anything Japanese and that's one of the reason behind "kokoro"!
I'm a student, blogshop owner of thshopicrazy, and I blog!
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